group 6156
Due to the sellout success we had with Born To Sing 1000 this year, we are proud to announce that we are holding an annual Born To Sing 1,000 Voice Choir Concert in March 2025.

How to Register for the Choir?

  1. Just click the ‘ADD TO CART’ link below to purchase your tickets.
  2. Then click VIEW CART
  3. Once you are satisfied the amount is correct, click on PROCEED TO CHECK OUT
  4. This will take you to BILLING DETAILS where you can fill out the form with your name, email address, date selection, phone number, and the voice part you sing (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass). You can then pay for the ticket with your debit or credit card.


Join the BTS Choir Now!

Ticket TypePriceCart

Your registration (valued at over $375) will include the following:

BTS 1000 4-colour T-Shirt

Vocal Guide tracks on USB and Dropbox to help you learn the songs.
5 x 3-hour big choir rehearsals.
A2Z literacy card game for children and families.
Access to the food catered concert party at the Fremantle Arts Centre.
Concert Program of the event
Folder with all sheet music and lyrics.
Tote bag with artwork by Dawn Meader commemorating the BTS 1000 2025
Café, hotel, and restaurant discount vouchers.
Sponsor vouchers

The concert will be held on Saturday 29th March 2025.

LARGE GROUP REHEARSALS 2025 – To be confirmed


Because we sold out our venue and we had a large waiting list we could not fulfil for both singers and audience members, we are moving to the Fremantle Arts Centre which will be easier for transport, parking and rehearsals.

We will be singing to help improve literacy among children in Australia by giving each choir and audience member a spelling game for the family called A2Z (not dissimilar to UNO but uses letters instead of numbers).

We are currently reviewing our the repertoire of songs.

The concert will be held on Saturday 29th March 2025.

Benefits of moving to the Fremantle Arts Centre are as follows:

Accessibility and Support
Ease of access is essential. The Fremantle Arts Centre is equipped with numerous toilets, including accessible ones. Plus, we have the fantastic support of the Fremantle Council, ensuring a smooth and joyous experience for everyone.

Audience and Families
The Fremantle Arts Centre provides the opportunity to be equipped with VIP seating through to family-friendly grassed areas. We will provide more detail as we progress with the layout of the Fremantle Arts Centre so keep an eye on the website.

A Choir After Party to Remember
And there’s more! Let’s cap off our musical journey with a grand after-party in the Fremantle Arts Centre courtyard on Saturday, 29th March 2025. A time to celebrate our collective achievement, to relish in the joy and excitement of what we have created together.

rehersal 1
Martin Meader

Registration Fees

Full standard fee: $150.00

Please note: We will take registrations until we are full. There are no refunds.


We are excited at the prospect of presenting 1 night in the green spaces of Fremantle Arts Centre, and allowing time for an on stage rehearsal / soundcheck.

There will also be opportunities to take Born To Sing nationally and internationally!

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